Organic Garden - Avocado

I love avocados. Unfortunately they can be quite pricey when they are not in season. I don't want to pay $2 for one when I can pay $2 for 4! Then I found out that you can grow avocado trees. I thought why not since I'm growing everything else anyway. I just took the pit from my avocado and put 4 toothpicks to prop it up on the glass and fill the glass with water. Note that the round end sits in the water and the pointy end faces up.
It took weeks and weeks for it to grow to this stage. It probably took about 2-3 months. I have 2 pits growing and this one grew faster because the root was already there when I pitted my avocado. My other pit was still... well a full pit. Both were sitting in water around the same time and my other one only just have a root growing out. So you do have to be patient if you are growing it out of a pit. It takes weeks for the root to come out. Nothing happens for a long time and then the pit cracks! That's when it gets more exciting! If you are interested, you should try it. Avocados are delicious and healthy!

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