
Gluten-Free Flan Recipe
So it’s been a while since I last cooked because I’m so stressed with uni and assessments and exams and finding a job… so my boyfriend took over the cooking (and he will be cooking for another 2 weeks until my exams are over). But my chilean housemate made this flan the other day and it is THE best thing ever. So I decided to try his recipe since we have no more classes and my boyfriend and I love custard-y stuff :)Now that I am officially unemployed, I will probably be cooking a little bit more to de-stress myself. :(

500ml heavy cream
1 can condensed milk
4 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Whip the heavy cream in a bowl until it is thick and double its amount. Combine the condensed milk and eggs with the heavy cream and beat until the ingredients mix.
  • In a saucepan, heat the sugar over low fire and stir occasionally until it caramelises and turns brown. Be careful not to burn the caramel.
  • Quickly pour the sugar in a cake tin or a ramekin as the caramel will harden very quickly. Pour the cream mix on top in the tin.
  • Make a water bath by filling another container with water and placing the tin with the flan mix in that container making sure the water will not seep into the flan mix. Place the water bath along with the flan mix cake tin in it into the oven and bake for 40-45 minutes or until the flan sets. Cool in the fridge.

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